Software & Apps

Ubuntu 13

Dock Not Showing in Ubuntu 22.04? Here’s How to Fix It!

Ubuntu 22.04, the latest version of the popular open-source operating system, brings many new features and improvements. However, some users have reported an issue with the dock not appearing on …

Ubuntu 14

Sending LAN Messages on Linux: A Simple Command-Line Solution

In today’s interconnected world, being able to communicate over a local area network (LAN) is essential. Linux, with its powerful command-line interface, provides several ways to send messages over a …

Ubuntu 1

How To Install .run Files on Ubuntu

In the world of Ubuntu, one of the most common methods of installing software or drivers is through .deb files or the Software Center. However, there are instances where you …

Ubuntu 7

Fixing nginx.service PID file error on Ubuntu 18.10

In this article, we will discuss how to fix the “nginx.service: Can’t open PID file /run/nginx” error on Ubuntu 18.10. This error often occurs when the nginx service is unable …

Ubuntu 13

How To Fix High CPU Usage by tracker-miner-fs in Ubuntu 20.04

In this article, we’ll explore how to address the issue of high CPU usage by tracker-miner-fs in Ubuntu 20.04, a common problem that can affect system performance. We’ll discuss several …

Ubuntu 4

What Does “apt-get install –dry-run” Output Mean?

In the world of Linux, apt-get install –dry-run is a commonly used command. But what exactly does its output mean? This article aims to demystify this command and its output. …

Ubuntu 4

How To Remove Files that Match a Pattern in Linux

Linux is a powerful operating system that gives users a great deal of control over their files and directories. One such feature is the ability to remove files that match …