Dead Pixel & Monitor Test
Easily detect dead pixels and test your monitor
Dead Pixel and Monitor Test
Click to open a specific color
... or just click the button
Tutorial – How To Test
Testing your monitor for dead pixels is very simple. All you have to do is follow a few simple steps.
Step 1. Clean your monitor’s screen so it doesn’t have any dirty spots.
Step 2. Click the “Start Monitor Test” button on the left. A full-screen window will open. Take a second to let your eyes get used to the brightness.
Step 3. Check your monitor’s screen for dead pixels by looking for any small “dots” the look out of place.
Step 4. Go to the next color by using either arrow on your keyboard or clicking the buttons on the screen.
Done! If you have gone through all the colors and didn’t see any dead pixels, then you can exit by pressing the ESC key on your keyboard.
More Information About The Dead Pixel & Monitor Test
How does this test work?
Our monitor and dead pixel test works by showing you a full-screen of all the primary colors – white, black, red, green and blue. The test is semi-manual, as in you have to look for stuck (or dead) pixels yourself as you go through the primary colors. Take a look at the examples of dead pixels below to see what to look for.
What are dead pixels? What does a dead pixel look like?
Dead pixels are simple “dots” or groups of dots that do not match the surrounding background, such as black dots on a green background. You can see more examples on the right.
Dead pixels are most commonly caused by transistors stuck either switched “on” or switched “off”. Dead pixels are actually very common, and sometimes manufacturers send faulty monitors to the store on purpose and only replace them when the customer complains. Other common reasons for dead pixels are water damage and aging – every monitor gets eventually old.
Examples of Dead Pixels
What is a pixel?
Pixel is the smallest element on your screen. Every picture, video or website consists of thousands of pixels. When viewed from a distance, people cannot differentiate between pixels, which makes the picture seem natural – having enough pixels.
How to fix a dead pixel?
Some dead pixels can be fixed by applying pressure to the spot on the monitor where there’s a dead pixel. You want to unplug (or turn off) your monitor and get a cloth that won’t damage your monitor’s screen. While the monitor is turned off, apply pressure to the spot on the screen where the dead pixel was located. While applying slight pressure to the screen, turn on the monitor. You can now release the pressure, and hopefully, the dead pixel is gone.