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Ubuntu 21

How To Install AppImageLauncher in Ubuntu 21.04

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on how to install AppImageLauncher in Ubuntu 21.04. AppImageLauncher is a helpful tool that makes it easier to manage your AppImages. …

Ubuntu 11

How To Install Office 365 on WINE

In this guide, we will explore how to install Office 365 on WINE. While WINE is a great tool that allows you to run Windows applications on Linux, it’s important …

Ubuntu 6

How To Find Proxy Server via Command Line

In the world of networking and system administration, proxy servers play a crucial role in providing security and performance. Sometimes, you may need to find out the details of a …

Ubuntu 16

How To Install .dmg Files on Ubuntu

In this article, we will discuss how to install .dmg files on Ubuntu. Disk Images (.dmg) are a file format used primarily by the macOS operating system. However, if you …

Ubuntu 14

How To Fix VLC Chromecast Black Screen Issue?

Are you experiencing a black screen issue when casting VLC to Chromecast? This is a common problem that many users face, but don’t worry, we have got you covered. In …

Ubuntu 16

How To Check Your SMB Protocol Version on Ubuntu Shares

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to check your SMB (Server Message Block) protocol version on Ubuntu shares. The SMB protocol is a network file sharing …