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Ubuntu 7

How To Install amd64 libc6 Libraries on ARM64

Introduction In this article, we will guide you through the process of installing amd64 libc6 libraries on an ARM64 system. This process can be useful if you are trying to …

Ubuntu 12

The MBR-GPT Divide: Legacy BIOS vs UEFI Explained

In the realm of computer systems, the terms MBR, GPT, Legacy BIOS, and UEFI are often thrown around. But what do they mean? How do they affect your computer’s boot …

Ubuntu 3

How To Completely Uninstall Skype from Ubuntu 18.04

In this article, we will guide you through the process of completely uninstalling Skype from your Ubuntu 18.04 system. There are different methods of uninstalling Skype, and the method you …

Ubuntu 16

How To Make Fonts Look Like Windows in Ubuntu

In this article, we’ll explore how to make fonts in Ubuntu look like they do in Windows. This is a common requirement for users who transition from Windows to Ubuntu …