Are you currently trying to figure out how old your Lenovo laptop is? Don’t worry, as there are several ways to find it out. Whether you are planning to sell your laptop or just want to know its age for general knowledge, the methods we will discuss in this guide will help you find your laptop’s age quickly.
To find out how old your Lenovo laptop is, you need to go to the support website of Lenovo and enter your laptop’s serial number there. The website will provide you with every piece of information, including the shipping date.
If you bought a brand-new laptop a couple of years ago, chances are that you still have its box and receipt. Even if you don’t, you still have an idea about how old it is, considering you purchase a new one. But if you purchased a used laptop, there is no way to tell how old the laptop is. Unless the person you bought the laptop from told you this information, you can’t really tell its age.
This is why many people are often confused about how old their laptop is. If you’re one of them, fret not, as there are some methods through which you can find out how old your Lenovo laptop is.
How To Find Out Your Lenovo Laptop’s Age
At the moment, the quickest method to learn about your laptop’s age is by using its serial number. For those who don’t know, every laptop comes with its own serial number. The same is the case with Lenovo laptops, which you can find on the back of your laptop.
If you look at the back of your Lenovo laptop, you will see a sticker with some information printed on it. This sticker contains important information, such as the product ID, machine type, model number, and serial number. Usually, we don’t pay any attention to any of this information as all we care about is the laptop working properly. However, if you want to find out your laptop’s age, you’ll need this information.
After you have managed to find the serial number of your laptop, go to the support website of Lenovo and enter the serial number there. Then, click “Search”, and the website will present all information about your laptop, including the date it was shipped. This will help you figure out how old your laptop actually is.
How To Tell if Your Laptop Is Getting Old
Laptops are amazing, but they will get old at some point, no matter how good they are. When this happens, you need to replace your laptop with a new one, as your old one won’t be able to perform the same as before. But how can one tell if their laptop is getting old? Well, there are a few ways to find that out.
Slow Performance
If your laptop’s performance has slowed suddenly, chances are that it’s getting old. However, before jumping to this conclusion, you must first check if something else is causing performance issues. Sometimes, viruses can make their way inside our laptops and cause them to slow down. But if everything is clear, your laptop’s age is affecting its performance.
Weird Sounds From the Chassis
Another indication that your laptop is getting old is the weird sounds from the chassis. The chassis is the outer shell of the laptop which protects all of the components. When the laptop gets too old, the chassis start making weird noises whenever you pick it up, move it around, or place it on a table.
Compared to desktop computers, laptops get hot quickly after a few hours. However, if your laptop is getting extremely hot to the point where you can’t even use its keyboard, its cooling system has collapsed. In this case, you need to take your laptop to a repair shop. These shops have a team of experts who will either repair the cooling system for you or tell you to get a new laptop if it’s beyond repairable.
Screen Flickering
If your laptop’s screen is not the same as it was before, it means that your laptop is too old. When the laptop has been used for enough years, its screen won’t be as bright as before. Furthermore, the colors won’t feel the same. But the biggest issue you might start facing is screen flickering. At this point, you need to either get the screen replaced or buy a brand-new laptop.
This was everything you needed to know about how old your Lenovo laptop is. If your laptop is old and has started giving you issues, it will be wise to sell it and get a new laptop. Otherwise, you might face multiple issues while working, including data loss.